Join WOW’s growing list of five-star customers that are excited to share
their feelings about our stellar services!

I wanted to pass along a comment regarding my WOW support call on December 18. I work from home and am online most of the day. Thursday morning my Internet connection became very slow. By the end of the workday, I called your support line. Soon after leaving a message, Harry called me back. I described my symptoms. Apparently the tower access point I normally connect to went down and the equipment on my end automatically switched to another access point with a very marginal connection. When the first access point became available again, my side did not switch back to it automatically. This explains my performance issues. Harry switched me to the proper access point. I understand he worked late to get my problem resolved. Kudos to your technical support and special accolades to Harry!
Lynn Settle
Happy WOW Customer ★★★★★

I think I have experienced just about any kind of Internet connection ever invented since my company shipped me the original IBM desktop and we worked off floppy discs while trying to figure out the internet phenomenon worked! Here at Priest Lake, ID...stuck out here between mountains and trees we are lucky to have an outfit like WOW aka. Moosebytes who gives us super speeds and dependable stellar service. They never fail to give 110% effort. They have played an important part in delivering our community, the people and the businesses into the 21st century.
Fred Cox

The staff is outstanding! The service is fast and reliable to my mountain home on Hoodoo. We have been customers for years now and know how hard it is to maintain the relay on the ski lift on Mt. Spokane in Winter. The tech crew is terrific!
Fred Houck

We've been WOW customers since the Mt. Spokane tower came online. Through two antenna moves as trees grew up, icy winters on the mountains, and technology changes over the years, WOW has been a professional and valued partner. I work from home in the technology industry and my Internet connection is critical. Even though our location now has multiple options for Internet, we have no plans to change. WOW is the best!
Kim Osterback

“My wife and I have been married for 38 years, with over 40 years combined military service. A fundamental lesson we’ve learned is, ‘There’s no point in practicing being miserable.’ WOW enables us to live in rural Idaho with minimal misery.”
Happy Customers who Write WOW

We live in a rural remote area and had limited choices for internet services. We tried a well-known satellite service combined with a jet-pack as a backup. In a short period of time we knew that was not going to work. Lack of consistent upload/download speeds and data restrictions quickly took its toll on us. My wife has a home based bookkeeping business with high daily demands on data exchange and syncing of files with her client base. After doing some research we decided to find out more about WOW. We dealt with Scott who was very helpful. Then Marc the field installer/technician got us connected with no trouble. We are very happy with the reliability of the service and the package options that are available to meet our needs. WOW has the best service for the best price. We would recommend them to anyone.
David Strandberg

They have been a great Internet Service - fast and good prices too.
Eileen Burchett

WOW enables me to telework seamlessly from home; each day sparing me the two and half hour commute. The WOW team supports my company’s VPN, providing my home office with web based meetings, VoIP telephone, video conferencing and more. WOW team were key during our home’s construction, aiding in siting and installing a 900 MHz radio relay, overcoming our line-of-sight challenges.
Bill Reichert

“Stable, reliable service during the most challenging weather conditions. A testament to WOW’s rugged and resilient infrastructure, and the team that keeps it running.”
Happy Customers who Write Us

Wind Storm 2015 - Kudos to the WOW team for keeping Mount Spokane up and running this past week. I work from home and when I went to check on my Lake House, I was pleased to find that when I turned on my generator, I had WiFi! While I’m still without electricity or cable in Spokane, I can function at Spirit Lake! Please let everyone know how much we appreciate the excellent level of service provided by WOW!
Lorrie T. Smyly, M.A.
Smyling Island Consulting ★★★★★

I live in the boonies and work from home doing tech work for a hosting company. I rarely have issues and since the upgrade I get blazing speeds! Customer service is always responsive and helpful. I would suggest WOW to anyone who needs broadband who can't get cable...and with 20mbps speeds maybe even over DSL.
Craig Schneider

We have fast, reliable service that has been better than I expected. We are "piped" to the Long mountain tower. Thanks to WOW, we are able to home school our daughter now. We are doing the K-12 program, which require reliable Internet. Also, my wife is a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils and is able to work from home since this type of business is conducted almost entirely via social media. Thanks to the reliable WOW connection, she is able to post and view videos, group conference and participate in Facebook live sessions. Lastly, we have never had problems streaming Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. Extremely rare we ever have buffering issues. So after 1 1/2 years of reliable service, we still give WOW 5 stars. PS In addition, most of my neighbors have signed on as well and all have the same experience!
John and Dawn W. Hampton

Today 5 stars plus. Shannon got us scheduled and Mark did an incredible job getting us hooked up to the Hoodoo tower in spite of icy driveway and 3 foot snow berms. Thank you WOW for your excellent work.
Ellen Bartell

We are out in the country no internet cable companies. We tried Dish… very slow and costly. We came across WOW and so far it has been excellent - 25 to 30 mps no problems. We love it.
Kim Strandberg

I live in the country and have had both DSL and satellite and I get much faster and better service with WOW - up to 25 Mb per second so I'm very happy. Satellite is down even more than WOW and DSL is worse yet.
Edwin Walker

I love this company! Their customer service is world class, their technology is second to none.
Jim Stryker

Great customer service and signal reliability . . . Especially with our unique location and relay arrangement.
Debbie Reichert

I want to extend my appreciation to the WOW team for his letter to his customers! We have been customers for several years and on the few occasions that we had questions, WOW has ALWAYS been friendly and responsive. WOW’s letter was on the mark, the owner has every reason to be proud of his staff and of the service he provides his customers. Taking the time to communicate with your customers is a rare thing nowadays. We perceived his letter as a "Thank you for your business, I am going to make it even better"...we actually feel GOOD about the small rate increase! Imagine that! Thank you again, to your entire team. It’s a pleasure doing business with you all.
Colleen and Scott Carlson

“Spot on tech support and first rate customer communications. Outages are rare, and when they occur we’re kept informed and know what to expect.”
Happy Customers who Write Us

My IT team cautioned me when relocating to rural Idaho satellite ISPs would limit my ability to work from home and were, ‘The court of last resort’. My IT team sees me on the net and never hears from me. They love WOW. Unlike satellite based ISPs, WOW supports VPN and does not meter my bandwidth.
Happy Customers who Write Us

"We would have been unable to home school our son – who now attends a private university with significant academic scholarships -- without WOW. In this case, WOW paid for itself.”
Happy Customers who Write Us

I wanted to leave you a quick note about a support incident I recently had with my home Internet. This last weekend we had some connectivity issues and I contacted Wow’s support department twice. The support I received was excellent. The gentleman I spoke with both times was courteous, knowledgeable and genuinely engaged in fixing the problem expeditiously. Great work.
Jay Herndobler
IT Manager The Davenport Hotel Collection ★★★★★